Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!
Today is New Year’s Eve, the last day of December and also the 2020 year. As we throw the confetti and eagerly await during the count down to 2021, everyone at Myntz! we would like to wish you well in the new year.
2020 presented many interesting challenges for everyone. Despite these challenges, we are grateful for our supporters enjoyed our mints and the fresh-smelling breath they had afterward this year. For everyone who has contacted us, posted on social media, or talked about Myntz! in general, we would like to thank you.
After all, it was your support that kept VanillaMynt Blast on our shelves! For several months in 2020, VanillaMyntz was taken off our website with plans to discontinue to beloved vanilla flavor. Due to your outspoken support and passion, we were able to bring back this sweet and minty flavor for everyone to enjoy.
Looking forward to 2021, we hope to make some changes to Myntz! that you will enjoy. We will continue to update our blog and answer questions, but we would like to do more for those who stay in touch with us. Over the next upcoming months, expect to see new photographs and higher quality content on the Myntz! Facebook page, as well as our email list. Consider it our New Year’s resolution to do more for you.
Along with changes, we hope to keep other things the same. You can expect us to continue making the very best breath mints we can. We will once again renew our commitment to oral hygiene by making each breath mint sugar free.
From everyone at Myntz! we hope you enjoy exploring the opportunities 2021 will present. Over the next twelve months, we hope you continue to enjoy our mints as we continue to improve them for you.
If you’re looking for a bad breath solution, we are proud to continue offering our VanillaMyntz and WinterMyntz!